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Irecently read a book by sergey ivanov "he is not among us." the book is about life, about teenagers, the painful issues that in one way or another, affect not only adults but also children. reading it, i saw a fine writer feels teenager at the time of his adolescence: uneven, unpredictable behavior, extremism, thirst for justice and harmony in the family. heroes of the story - young 80's, but their problems and conflicts are close to us, their peers in today's sense of life and emotion.i liked the book because it tells about my age, such as sixth-graders, and they - the most interesting people, and i want to note that at this age are different changes that occur other than the above relation.before school children have time to comprehend what friendship and betrayal, courage and cowardice. but even with this little experience, a person is not easy to establish itself in the school community. for example, i did not like it, as did the heroine of the story, to become the first girl in her class. the result - she was alone. a surprise event that occurred in the class, raised to the true height of the seemingly weak and indecisive boy. that's what growing up small.read this story got me thinking about the relationship classmates. i think the writers ivan, one of the few that dared to speak frankly about the young reader. and he did it.

So, is the party going well? is the party going well? it sounds as if everyone’s having a great time. are you all wearing costumes? i’m wearing my witch costume and chris is wearing ms frankenstein costume. oh, he’s not wearing that old thing again! yeah, and he’s terrifying everyone. what kind of games are you playing? are you bobbing for apples: we’re playing musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey. what are you eating? well, i made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples and the kids are really enjoying them so they’re nearly all gone. are you doing anything at the moment? is he terrifying anyone& he is not terrifying anyone.

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