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A Are you ready to order?
B Still.
A Still or sparkling?
B Yes, please.
A And how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or
well done?
B A baked potato, please.
A Can I get you something to start with?
B Rare, please.
A Here's your steak, madam.
B Water, please.
A Would you like that with fries or with a baked potato?
B I'm sorry but I asked for my steak rare and this is well done.
A OK. And to drink?
B No, thank you. Just a main course. I'd like the steak, please.
A I'm very sorry, madam. I'll take it back to the kitchen.

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Ответы на вопрос:

We enjoy watch television in the evening. they doesn't want to stay after classes. they agree to go to the cinema next saturday. i hate to wait my friends. they decided to buy new car. we planed to have a picnic yesterday. they was  interested to  learn  english. he learn to do the homework  properly soon.he was busy because he write letters  yesterday at  afternoonкак-то так

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