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Номер 3 английский язык 5 класс

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3. 1) but
2) but
3)and 4)but 5)or 6)and

Peter:   colin!   haven't  seen you  for ages! colin:   peter!   old chap!   yeah,  i've been  extremely busy these days.  i'm  terribly  sorry  for  not  calling  you. peter:   never  mind!   colin:   glad  to  know  you're  not  offended,  pete.  well,  you  know,  i  went  to  dublin  last  month. have  you  ever been there? peter:   i've  always wanted to go there, to be honest.  but (i) never had a chance. could you  tell me, please,  how you got there? colin: (i  went there) by air.  stansted airport.  not  far from here. (i)  went to  the  airport  by  bus first.  pretty  convenient  and fast. peter:   right.  so, how many kilometres  did you cover? colin:   about  600 kilometres, if i'm not mistaken. peter:   and  how  long did it take (you  to  get  there)? colin:   1 hour  and a  half or  so.  peter:   i  believe  you didn't have to change,  did you? colin:   of  course not.  fortunately. peter:   what  kind of  places did you pass  on your way from the airport? colin:   ha!   fields, nothing  special,  really.  but the  nature there is really captivating.  i  went  sightseeing in dublin,  as well.  the national museum of ireland,  dublin castle,  saint patrick's   oh,  this  trip  left  a  lasting  impression! peter:   sounds  great!   it  seems  to  have  been an  amazing trip.  i guess  you would recommend visiting dublin,  colin.  am i right? colin:   oh,  make no  doubt about  it,  pete.  i  insist  on  your  going  to  dublin,  my  friend.  peter:   ha-ha,  ok,  colin.  i'll  take  it/that  into  consideration.  oh,  i  have  to  go  now!   i'll  call  you  tonight. colin:   alright  then.  see  you  later,  old  chap!  

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