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Решите контрольную по английскому спотлайт КЛАСС!
A. Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps.
certificate impact timetable gave away grapevine headline media downloaded forecast chat
1. It'sannoying when people sit and _____ in the cinema. Itreally spoils the atmosphere of the film.
2. It's really annoying that nearly half the pages in this magazine are taken up by of ______ beauty products.
3. Jane has ________ some great recipes from the Internet, and tries a differed oneevery week.
4. Idon't believe Jack _______ secret information about the company. There must be some mistake.
5. Before he can join the basketball team, Ted has to bring a medical ______ stating that there's nothing wrong with his health.
6. Have you read the _______in this morning's paper? A lion escaped from thecity zoo.
7. Watching the TV on while she's studying has avery negative _____ on Jane's abilityto concentrate.
8. The weather ______ for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain. Maybe we should cancel our plans for a picnic.
9. Suecouldn't remember what time her geography class started, so she checked her_____ to find out.
10 Mark got a part-time job as a reporter at the local news station, as he wants to start a career in the______.
B. Fill inon, for, from, about (2).
1. I have a private garage so I don’t have to worry _____ finding parking.
2. Robert was absent ______ class yesterday because his leg hurt.
3. Dick has so many personal problems that it's difficult for him to concentrate ______ his studies right now.
4. Max enjoys working for this company because it really cares ______ its employees.
5. Steve always blames other people ______ his mistakes. Maybe he should take responsibility for his own actions more often.
Complete the sentences using the correct modals: can, could, may, must, should, have to, needn’t.
1. If Kelly gets permission from her parents, she ____ go to the disco tonight..
2. I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I ______ do my homework.
3. This is a very prestigious school. All students ______ wear a uniform.
4. Jane has a talent in writing. She _____ take part in the short story competition at school this month.
5. George has travelled a lot. He _____ speak four foreign languages.
6. It doesn’t look like raining .You ______ take an umbrella.
7. As the ship entered the harbour, we _____ see the Statue of Liberty.

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My sisters or my brother are going to offer them help

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