Есть ответ 👍

Заповнити пропуски дієсловами have / has, вставлені слова
1. I … answered the question.
2. She … opened the window.
3. They … called us.
4. It … rained a lot.
5. You … carried a box.
6. We … washed the car.
7. He … closed the window.
8. Mary … locked the door.
9. The girls … visited the museum.
10. Bob and Sam … helped in the garden.
11. Dad … already gone to his work.
12.They … already read this book.

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Ответы на вопрос:


Has после he she it

Have после І you we they


1 have

2 has

3 have

4 has

5 have

6 have

7 has

8 has

9 have

10 have

11 has

12 have


L  school subjects:   maths, english, geography, chemistry, pe and games.  ll  technology:   television, computers,  video-recorders, dvd-s.

Популярно: Английский язык