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ответить на ситуацию, используя модальные глаголы:
1. You’re going on holiday. Your sister wants to take so many pairs of shoes that her suitcase won’t fasten. You ask if it is necessary.
2. Tom was driving fast when he accidentally went off the road. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured. You say to him:
3. A friend from Portugal phones to tell you she will be coming for two weeks next summer. You want her to stay with you. You say to her:
4. John is taking part in a horse race. You don’t know if John will win. You ask your friends if it’s possible

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lewis and ben were playing paper planes. mery and laura were looking through the window. julia was cleaning the blackboard. alice was combing her hair. josh was reading the newspaper. susan was drinking the juce. peter was doing crosswords. tara and melany were watching the photos. denis was sleeping. rodger and callum were eating chease.

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