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Заполни пропуски в предложениях
1 Eltern: Vater und M…………………………. oder Papa und ……………………… .
2 Geschwister: B……………………….. und S……………………………………………… .
3 Groβeltern: O…………………. und O……………… oder G……………………………. unf G………………………………. .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. you come, we shall still be packing. 2. when did you see. 3. i met, he was walking. 4. have you ever acted, i have been doing. 5. the child is sleeping, he always wakes, somebody opens. 6. i have left, i shall take, nick comes. 7. i had been reading, he came. 8. the play had not yet begun, the people were talking. 9. a little swallow was flying, his friends had flown, he had stayed. 10. what have you been doing. 11. i bought, i had lost. 12. we were walking, he had already told, that was, i had. 13. the moon had not risen, two stars were shining.

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