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Выберите сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательного:

1. I think your bike is ....... mine.
a) fastest than
b) faster
c) fastest
d) faster than

2. Is football the ..........
sport in Chile?
a) popular
b) more popular
c) popularest
d) most popular

3. Vegetables are ........ last week.
a) expensiver than
b)more expensiver than
c) more expensive than
d) most expensive

4. Vladimir is .......... intelligent person in the class.
a) more than b) the most
c) most
d) the more

5. Summer is ....... season in our country
a) the hottest
b) hotter than
c) the hot
d) hot

6. Greenland has the ........ weather of the world It's always raining and snowing.
a) bad
b) worse than
c) worst
d) worsest

7. The Everest is........ the Aconcagua
a) the highest
b) highest than
c) the higher than
d) higher than

8. Last week we had ....... day in Santiago, the temperature was -18°C.
a) the colder
b) the coldest
c) the cold
d) colder than
9. Speaking Japanese is .......... writing it.
a) the easiest
b) easy
c) easier than
d) easyer than​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. d 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. d 7. d 8. b 9. c

1. d

2. d

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. c

7. d

8. b

9. c

Nowadays environmental problems become more and more serious. tons of carbon dioxide are thrown to the air every our, many trees are cut down, the lakes, rivers and even seas are polluted with different wastes. different kinds of animals and plants are disappearing because of people's activities. if we want to solve the environmental problems and to keep out nature we must save water, paper and electricity. we also must use banks, boxes and clothes twice, we mustn't throw out things , that we can repair. we must protect our surrounding wold, not to pollut it with botals and with other litter. if everybody will keep theese easy rules, the earth will be able to become better. the air and water will be fresh and clean again, and the animals will live in the forests again. i am sure, that everybody must take care of the place where he lives, because who will make our wold better, except us?

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