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(Describe one of the UK’s landmark and say why would / not you like to visit it)
Опишіть одну із визначних пам'яток Великобританії та скажіть, чому б ви не хотіли відвідувати це.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Big Ben is a bell in the clock tower at the Palace of Westminster in London. There are two versions of the origin of the name of the tower. The first version says that Big Ben was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who ran the casting of the bell. Another says that the heariest bell at the moment (13.7 tonns) got its name after Benjamin County, a very famous boxer in the heavyweight division at the time.

Construction. The tower was built on the design of English architect Augustus Pugin in 1858. For the first time the clock was wound on May 21, 1859. Officially, the tower was named as "The Clock Tower of Westminster Palace".

Managing the Clock. When the clock on the tower rush or lag (the error is small - only 1.5-2 seconds) an old English penny is placed on the pendulum. Putting or a coin the superintendent manages to get the precision of the machinery. Now Big Ben is one of the most famous constructions of the UK.

Hello! first of all i'll start from that: notice, i'm patriot of my country and in general i always say only good things about russia. i probably like russian tv. you can hear the truth, while you are listening to such chanel's as rbk or russia today. but i wouldn't trust such chanel's as russia 1, perviy chanel. most of things that they say are false, which is simply not respectable for citizens of russia. everyday on any chanel you can see some pretty people, who can make your mood be at least a little better. there are different things to watch. starting from cartoons up to some economical news, or whatever.. if you won't watch some stupid tv shows like "holidays in mexico" or "dom 2", you'll be able to enjoy some tv programs like "univer" or whatever you like.. and you know. better you don't watch tv, but go to have some fun with your friends! =)

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