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3.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1)It wasn’t necessary for us to wear coats(NOT HAVE).We…. to wear coats.
2)My dad had to work all night(OBLIGE).My dad ….to work all night.
3)It was wrong for you to leave early(SHOULDN’T).You…to leave early.
4)We weren’t allowed to talk(FORBID).We…..to talk.
5)We can use different e-platforms in our online studying(ALLOW).We….in our
online studying.
6)I should practice drawing more(OUGHT).I….drawing more.

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ну чесно незнаю за баллы

Sorry, but I dont know what is it. Stop What if I am gave free balls

On tuesday he got up at half past six. he went to the bathroom and washed hands and face and cleaned teeth. then dressed, went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for family. at half past seven son got up and had breakfast. he had breakfast with son. son ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. he didn't drink tea. he drank coffee. after breakfast son left home for school. he didn't leave home with son. on tuesday he didn't work in the morning. he worked in the afternoon. in the evening he was at home. husband and son were at home, too. they rested in the evening. son watched tv, husband read newspapers and he did some work about the house. at about eleven o'clock they he went to bed. во вторник он встал в половине седьмого. он пошел в ванную и умыл лицо и руки и чистить зубы. затем оделся, пошел на кухню и приготовил завтрак для семьи. в половине восьмого сын встал и позавтракал. он завтракал с сыном. сын съел бутерброд и выпил чашку чая. он не пил чай. он пил кофе. после завтрака сын ушел из дома в школу. он не выходил из дома с сыном. во вторник он не работал в утреннее время. он работал во второй половине дня. в вечернее время он находился дома. муж и сын были дома, тоже. они отдыхали в тот вечер. сын смотрел телевизор, муж читал газеты, и он сделал какую-то работу по дому. около одиннадцати часов, он лег спать.

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