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Complete the words.
Don't play around the pool. You can 1)
and fall. Don't eat and swim. You can
2) S p -- -- in your stomach and you can
swim. Read the 3) T S -around the
pool to keep safe. Don't 4)
in place
where you aren't allowed to 5)
can help you if you are in danger.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Toktar Ongarbaevich Aubakirov (Kazakh Toktar Ogarbayuly Gubakirov; born July 27, 1946, Karkaralinsky region, Karaganda region, Kazakh SSR) - 72nd (and last) cosmonaut of the USSR, the first cosmonaut of Kazakh nationality. Major General of the Air Force of Kazakhstan. Deputy of the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan of the XII convocation [to be specified]. Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan from constituency No. 44 of the Kyzylorda region. People's Hero of Kazakhstan (1995), Hero of the Soviet Union (1988), Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1990). Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Toktar Ongarbaevich Aubakirov

kaz. Toktar Ogarbayuly Gubukirov

Stamp of Kazakhstan

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