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1. that i decided to spend a year there. in order that 1. that………… 2. to do so i had to find a job. however, i had very enough 2. …very……… 3. money to get by for a few months, so needless to 3. by………… 4. say, i took the opportunity to travel around and see the 4. …v……… 5. country. everywhere i went, the people were the friendlier 5. …the……… 6. than anywhere else i had ever been, which is important 6. …v……… 7. when travelling. the landscape was as wonderful as well, 7. as   well………… 8. with the more richest variety of plant life i had 8. …more……… 9. ever seen. i was also fascinated by the traditions 9. …v……… 10. of the maori natives and took every one opportunity to talk to them. 10.  one

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