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I won't go this probably year on holiday

Maybe,we will go camping this weekend. Definitely,I will flights the book. Perhaps,weather will be better next week. Certainly,he will win the match. Probably, I won't go on holiday this year.


1. Everybody were suprised

2.There was nowhere to buy food

3.I'll do everything to pass my exams

4. Nobody knows where its is.

5. Nothing happened to him

6. You can find supermarkets everywhere

7. Everybody is in class today.

8.The house is empty, nobody is here.

9. The people understand nothing at the meeting

10. Ants are everywhere when it starts getting warm.


4. Ніхто не знав де це знаходиться

5. Нічого не відбулося з ним

6. Ви можете знайти супермаркети всюди

7. Всі сьогодні присутні

8.Дім пустий, нікого немає.

9. Люди не розуміли нічого на зустрічі.

10, Мурав'ї всюди коли стає тепло.

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