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Напишите форму модального глагола can, could или be able to в зависимости от типа предложения (+,-,?) и времени.

What is your favourite sport? — Swimming. I ______swim when I was four.
Do you like Maths? — Maths is my worst subject. I ________to do sums (-).
I need your help with English. — Ok, ______you _________to come to my place tomorrow?
Why did you buy a new computer? — The old computer was very slow. I _________play games on it (-).
I think the box is heavy. — No, it’s OK. I _____ carry it.
Did you go out on Saturday? — No, I didn’t. I ______go out because I was ill (-).
They _______to speak English two years ago.
Kate _________to come to the party tomorrow.
He is lazy. I think he ______to get a good job (-).
She didn’t study hard and ______to enter a university (-).

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Ответы на вопрос:

so many flowers are blooming. petite little squirrels come out to play. really big bears awake from their slumbers. imaginative children enjoy a walk with their friends. no tree is left standing without any leaves. so go ahead, jump for joy because spring is here.

множество цветов распускается. маленькие белки вышли играть. взрослые медведи просыпаются. дети гуляют со своими друзьями. все деревья покрываются листьями. так идите, прыгайте от радости, потому что пришла весна.источник

Популярно: Английский язык