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НУЖНО ПЛАЧУ ЗА ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ ЕЩЕ 50. 23. Make up your own sentences according to the models. (Используя модель образуйте предложения и переведите их.)

Model A: When properly programmed, computers don’t err.
Having been properly programmed, computers don’t err.
1. When well regulated, the equipment operates well. 2. When documents correctly filled in, they don’t need extra checks. 3. When loaded, the numbers are stored on the platform of storage. 4. When loaded with cargo, cars can move between stations. 5. When moved, the ball located on the bottom side of the mouse turns rollers.

Model B: A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers a more advanced
computing ability.
A smartphone is a mobile phone offering a more advanced computing
1. A smartbook is a concept of a mobile device that falls between smartphones and netbooks. 2. A smartbook is a gadget that delivers features found in smartphones. 3. BlackBerry is a line of mobile e-mail that functions as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). 4. Twitter is a social and micro blogging service that enables users to send and to read other users’ messages called tweets. 5.An i-Phone is a camera phone that includes text messages, visual voicemail, a portable media player, and web browsing facilities.

24. Fill in the blanks to streamline the use of the Participle 1 and Participle II. The words in brackets are given to help you. ( Вставьте причастие 1 или 2 вида, используя слова в скобках по смыслу и переведите предложения.)

1.A computer is … numbers and orders into memory. 2. An electronic digital computer is a system … and … a very large amount of data. 3. The computer is a system … numerical computations. 4. The computer is a device … instructions with extreme speed. 5 The numbers and the instructions are … in the computer memory. 6. The arithmetic-logical unit is a device … circuits … the arithmetic computations. 7. The codes … by computer designers are … on number of systems. 8. Having been coded the instruction … … to the central processing unit. 9. …the functions of storage units, we controlled the processing unit .

(to insert, to perform, to store, to use, to base, to process, to follow, to discuss ,to store, to contain, to perform, to be transmitted)

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Present simple: i drive a car.  we were very surprised.i was at home all day yesterday.she wasn’t shy.  they left london.present continuous: i am driving a car.     i  am   watching  tv .     he  is   writing   a letter now.   they  are   cooking   breakfast.  it  is   raining.  the girls  are   talking   and laughing.

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