Есть ответ 👍

* Choose the correct item.
he text with a/an,
and their compounds.
at you told me about with my
u were right. 1)
............ to drink. I had
ny mum had 4) ..........
5) .......... .............. glass of
ed 6)
............ food.
wanted chips, so we got two
ed 8) ............... spicy,
Chilli burger. Mum didn't want
.. with meat in it, so she got a
10) ..........
................ egg. I
different, so I had
... sushi. For dessert, my dad
................. ice cream sundae.
14) ..........
.............. sweet, so
tea. It was great!
1 Can I have ..... bread, please?
A a B some can
2 There's ..... in the bookshop. It's empty.
A everybody B somebody C nobody
3 Would you like ..... egg?
Ba Can
4 The new playground was opened ..... the
A by B with C from
5 The bakery sells cakes covered ..... dried fruit.
A by B from C with
6 Is there ..... interesting on TV tonight?
A something B everything C anything
7 Many fashionable clothes ..... sold in this
A was B are cis
8 The fish in the aquarium are ..... every
A fed B feed C feeding
9 ..... ate my chocolate bar.
A Anybody B Anyone C Someone
Romeo and Juliet was ..... by Shakespeare.
A write B written C wrote
11 Verona .... situated by the Adige River in
the North of Italy.
A is
B was Care
12 This theatre ..... built over 200 years ago.
A were B is C was
the correct item.
veryone / no one / someone in
urant. It's completely empty!
ou like nothing / everything /
ng to eat?
arium but nobody /


Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) B

2) C

3) C

4) A

5) C

6) A

7) A

8) C

9) C

10) B

11) B

12) C


I have a lot of hobbies. My the most favorite game is football. I play in school team (я играю в школьной команде/сборной). My parents support my interests and they suggested that I try to play volleyball. A lot of people think that volleyball is women game, but it isn't. It is very hard and interesting game for everyone. I hope I will be successful in my hobbies.

Перевод: У меня очень много хобби. Моя самая любимая игра-это футбол. Я играю в школьной команде (я играю в школьной команде/сборной). Мои родители поддерживают мои интересы, и они предложили мне попробовать играть в волейбол. Многие люди думают, что волейбол-это женская игра, но это не так, это очень тяжелая и интересная игра для всех.  Я надеюсь, что буду успешен в своих увлечениях.


Популярно: Английский язык