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Английский язык 7 класс А ТО УЧИЛКА ПРИБЬЁТ!
Передайте следующие специальные во в косвенной речи.
E.g.: Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?” – Mother asked me who had brought that parcel.
1. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?”
2. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”
3. Boris said to them: “How can I get to the railway station?”
4. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”
5. She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?”
Передайте следующие общие во в косвенной речи.
E.g. : I said to Mike: “Have you packed your suitcase?” – I asked Mike if he had packed his suitcase.
1. I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the station?” 2. I said to her: “Can you give me their address?” 3. I asked Tom: “Have you had breakfast?” 4. I asked my sister: “Will you stay at home or go for a walk after dinner?” 5. She said to the young man: “Can you call a taxi for me?”

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Ответы на вопрос:


на хавай

You are chelovek

ответ: 1) trainers

2) jacket

3) jumper

4) gloves

5) boots

6) tie

7) belt

8) socks

Популярно: Английский язык