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Ex.1 Заповніть замість крапок: can, have to, might, must, need, should.
1. George has travelled a lot. He ... speak many languages.
2. I can hear you quite well. You ... not shout.
3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I ... go to Italy.
4. Smoking is very unhealthy. You ... stop it.
5. Mary ... not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
6. I ... not understand him.He should speak louder.
7. It's later than I thought. I ... go now.
8. He ... come to my party because he is ill.
9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she ... help you.
10. You ... not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.
11. You ... be tired because you have worked very hard.
12. You ... turn right here. You can’t turn left.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. can

2. might

3 . can

4. should

5. haven't to

6. can

7. must


9. needs

10. can

11. might

12. can


Скорее всего ты имела ввиду dof, а не "dok" перевод: собака джека может прыгать.

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