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Дополни текст глаголами в времени по смыслу глаголы даны в неопределенной форме)

Yesterday, Zack and Zoe_1_were(was)______in Oxford. There _2._____ a fantastic day.

In the morning they 3._____ a bus from their home to the city center. It was sunny, so they 4._________ on the grass in a park, and they 5.__________magazines. The 6.____________ the park at quarter past twelve and 7.__________to an Italian restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon they 8______some T-shirts. Then they 9.________a film. They 10.__________home at half past eiht.

(Текст не переписывайте. Пишите только номер и нужный глагол в времени

Например 1.were 2.had

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) last night i've watched a good film 2) i've done all of my homework last night 3)

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