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2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of will and the verbs below.
Study be apply find lose
1 My brother ______________ fifteen next week!
2 She loves animals, so I think she ____________ biology at university.
3 Be careful with your mobile, or you ____________ it!
4 The salary isn’t very good, so I ____________ for the job.
5 Without good exam results, you ___________ a good job.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 will be

2 will study

3 will lose

4 will apply

5 won't find

Fox-orange, fluffy, dodgy, nice. лиса- рыжая , пушистая, хитрая, красивая. monkey- brown, with big ears, funny. обезьяна- коричневая, с большими ушами, смешная. horse- white, brown, black, big, graceful, smart. лошадь- белая, коричневая, черная, большая, грациозная, умная. wolf- gray, predatory, smart. волк- серый, хищный, умный.

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