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смертельный, неподвижный, непредсказуемый, свирепый, ядовитый, голодный, болезненный.

1. Fatal

2. Painful

3. Motionless

4. Unpredictable

5. Ferocious

6. Hungry

7. Poisonous

3. Put the letters in order to make up words.

1) tebi

2) shatccr

3) ckki

4) tpsi

5) agdr

6) juinre

7) instg

8) nastch

4. Insert the right word.

poisonous, ferocious, motionless, painful, fatal, unpredictable.

1. Grizzly bears can be very dangerous and ____________, especially when they are hungry or with cubs.

2. Most shakes in the USA are _________________.

3. The bites of rattlesnakes are _________________.

4. Alligators hide ______________ waiting for a chance to snatch somebody.

5. Wild animals can be ______________, though they seem to be cuddly.

6. The venom of a snake is usually ____________ for a man.

5. Complete the dialogue with the corresponding words.

bully, lonely, coping techniques, frustrated, psychological support, peer pressure.

Megan: Hello, Debora! You look unhappy. What`s the matter?

Debora: You know, I feel 1) ____________ and 2) ____________. Some of my classmates 3) __________ me.

Megan: Oh, that`s awful to feel a 4) ______________daily! Did you tell anybody about it?

Debora: There is no use in it I guess.

Megan: You are not right. You need 5) ________________. Call helpline. They can offer you 6) ________________.

Debora: Thank you, I`ll do as you say.

6. Explain the meanings of the words in English.

1. cellar

2. rubbish

3. garage

4. attic

7. Cross out the wrong word

1. The virus of [rabies], [flu], [measles] is deadly.

2. Raccoons open rubbish bins with their [teeth], [legs], [paws].

3. A rattle on the tail of a snake [tells], [warns], [lets] people to stay away from it.

4. Grizzly bears can [help], [support], [injure] people.

5. Friends usually have much [in common], [energy], [fear].

6. Never [watch], [touch], [wash] a raccoon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dina has bought some butter some cheese a lemon a pen a bottle of mineral water a magazine some eggs some flowers some biscuits some soap a banana some milk a book

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