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Ответы на вопрос:

He didn’t build a cottage last summer.He sell it

She didn’t buy a nice dress yesterday.She washed it

He didn’t painted the beautiful picture yesterday.He drew it

Anya didn’t see a fox in the zoo two week ago.She played with this

My friend didn’t write an email last Sunday.They answered

He didn’t enjoy the concert a day ago.He hates it

Simon didn’t walked to school yesterday.He ride

I didn’t song on her birthday.I danced

1) He did not built a cottage last summer. He sell it
2)She did not buy a nice dress yesterday. She washed it
3) Bob did not paint the beautiful picture yesterday. He drew
4) Anya did not see a fox in the zoo 2 weeks ago. She played with this
5) My friend did not write an e-mail last Sunday. They answered
6) He did not enjoy the concert a day ago. He hated it
7) Simon did not walk to school yesterday. He ride
8)I did not song on her birthday. I dance

1. не поранься/будь аккуратен. 2. она смотрела на себя в зеркало. 3. они выбирают что хотят/живут по своим правилам/для себя 4. я злюсь не на тебя, а на себя. 5. тебе понравилось на вечеринке? 6. пока, будь осторожнее. 7.было так жарко, что мы решили не вытираться после плавания. 8.кот порезался осколком стекла 9. меня попросили рассказать о себе 10. не плати за меня, я сам это сделаю

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