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B. 4. Insert the right verb (to tell, to say, to talk, to speak) in the
proper form.
1. He ... us a very interesting story. 2. She had a feeling
that they ... not ... her the truth. 3. This boy is, as he himself
.... no credit to the teacher. 4. The proverb "Choose an
author as you choose a friend" ... a lot. 5. He ... not ...
English fluently. 6. It is not polite ... shop in other people's
presence. 7. Can you ... me who has written this book?
8. I... not ... with him yet. 9. Strictly ..., it is not a mistake
at all. 10. They ... he ... three foreign languages. 11. Karl
Marx ... many languages fluently. 12. I ... Alec I didn't
want to go to the theatre without him. 13. I shall ... to you
tomorrow. I'm very busy now. 14. John ... me all about his
trip. He ... he had enjoyed himself very much. 15. Please ...
me about the film you saw last night. Is it worth seeing?
16. My parents ... me that I began ... very late, at the age of
two. 17. Ask Petrov ... at the meeting. He is a good speak-
er. 18. Mary is so talkative! She even doesn't stop ...
when the teacher comes into the classroom!

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Ответы на вопрос:

tells в настоящем времени, told в в будущем.

do not tell



does not speak

to talk in


haven't talk


they say he speaks




told, said


told, talking

for speaking


привет моа :)

His a there house in living room is nice

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