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Составить во и перевести1.last/travel/did/Where/summer?2.did/there/see/What/you?3.going/places/there/you/What/are/visit/to?4.travel/going/Where/you/to/summer/arr/next?5.go/often/the/Do/park/you/to?6.like/do/the/you/to/parl/What/do/in?7.park/flowers/the/can/What/see/in/you?8.animals/see/you/the Zoo/in/can/What?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)When are you going to visit England next year? 2)Who are going to talk to his friend? 3) What he is doing? 4)Where they are going? 5)What time we are going? 6)How she is going to go to school?

Популярно: Английский язык