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3 Добавь к глаголам окончание ed и запиши в нужную колонку согласно звучанию окончания ed. Cм. пример. tidy (чистить, убирать) need (нуждаться) clap (хлопать в ладоши) jump skate (кататься на коньках) smile skip (прыгать на скакалке) clean (чистить) lift (поднимать) enjoy (нравится) cry (плакать, кричать) start [t] [d] [id] tidied

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Ответы на вопрос:

In our last holiday we went to bali island to have fun with our family.in particular we did all the possible to rejoice from every second we had during this vacation.beginning from our activities, first of all we swam in the sea and after that sunbathed in the beach which was quite overcrowded. then we played volleyball with other families and at the end took some pictures to remind us later.

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