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2 Write a word or phrase in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter
is given to help you.
1 If you want to swim more quickly, you will have to t - very hard every day.
2 Many of the
w ere very upset when their team lost the game.
3 The team who wins the footballf_ - will be the best team in the world!
4 I need to g
- !I sit at a computer for too many hours at work.
5 The noise in the football s_ --- was amazing when the player scored the final goal.
6 I think I'llt
– skiing this winter. I've always loved the snow.
7 I've got two tickets for the basketball m__ this weekend. Do you want to come!
8 Last year, I couldn't t.
- in any sport because I had no free time.​

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people used

the dam...


the aral sea...

this tragedy

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