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Английский 7 класс​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. The boy wasn't taken home, was he?

2. Our homework was not checked by the teacher, was it?

3. The new rules were explained to you, weren't they?

4. The words were not written in the blackboard, were they?

5. The English Channel was crossed by many swimmers, wasn't it?

6. The street was named after M. Bagdanovich, wasn't it?

7. You were born in 1982, weren't you?

8. This coffee wasn't grown in India, was it?

9. All the children were given presents, weren't they?

10. All the mistakes were noticed by the teacher, weren't they?




Church on the blood ( located near the  ``plotinka`` towards the cinema ``kosmos`externally and internally. it acts here regularly conducted the service. but there is a small museum room, where you can see exhibits include personal belongings and photographs of the last of the royal family. the area near the temple in the summer of surprises lush flowering in winter - ice sculptures illuminated.`) . the temple is very beatiful ,both 

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