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I Fill in the correct question tag.

1. She watched TV,
2. Kate is swimming,
3 .They have already cooked dinner,
4 Alice can ride a bike well,
5 Bill is not handsome,

II Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.
1. He ( work) here for over ten years.
2 .The government (try) to reduce pollution for years.

3.. We (buy) a wonderful car.
4. Tim (think) about you all day.
5. I (never do) this work.
6. Jill and Mike ( not work) in the park yet.
7 Tom (talk) about it since 6 o′clock.

III Fill in up -2, out

1. Tomas makes .... a fairy tale.
2.The kids made...... after a quarrel.
3. Tomas makes...... with this work.
have to, do not have to.
4. I ....do it tonight. It is urgent.
5. You ..... go to school.
6. Kate...... water flowers. She has done it.
7. I .... do my homework. Tomorrow is Sunday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

B) i have skied in the alps (+) c) i have never  met a famous person d) i have visited the vatican (+) e) i have never  won a prise f) i have sung in public (+) g) i have never read dante's inferno

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