Test 7 (8th form)
A Listen and answer the questions.
1. Who did the American travel with?
A)friends B) family C) alone

2. What did he always do for his children?
A) He bought tasty food. B) He bought everything they wanted. C) He took them to the Zoo every day.

3. Why did the children frighten the animals?
A) They were afraid of animals. B) They feed the animals. C) They were naughty.

4. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo?
A) He decided to buy the Zoo. B) It was really interesting for him. C) He wanted to help animals.

5. What did the Zookeeper answer?
A) The Zookeeper got angry. B) The Zookeeper said it was a good idea. C) The Zookeeper said that the Zoo can buy the American's children for the Zoo.

B Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps.
1 chat text
⦁ It’s annoying when people sit and … in the cinema.
⦁ Bob decided to … Mary and apologise to her, as he was too nervous to do it face to face.

2 report coverage
⦁ Live … of the flood showed a number of survivors being saved by helicopter rescue team.
⦁ There will be a special … about the growing problem of global warming on TV.

3 certificate degree
⦁ Mark has helped the police solve difficult cases, as he has a … in Criminal Laws.
⦁ Before he can join the basketball team, Nick has to bring a medical … .

4 advertisements announcements
⦁ Did you hear …about the bus strike today?
⦁ It’s really annoying that nearly half the pages in this magazine are taken up by … of beauty.

5 temper mood
⦁ Don’t try to solve your conflict with Mark. He is in bad ….
⦁ When Tim saw the broken window, he lost his…

C Fill in
Forecast review broadcast timetable presenter

D Underline the correct item
11. Should/ May I have some information about this picture, please?
12. Mike may/has to leave school early tomorrow. He has an appointment after school.
13. If you want to succeed in life, you should/need to work hard, and always keep to your goals.
14. if your roommates are too noisy, you ought to/ need to study at the student library. It’s quiet there.
15. Students mustn’t/ needn’t run in the school corridors.
16. You should /must respect your teachers and your classmates.
17. She mustn’t/ can’t have finished her homework already, it’s impossible.
18. You should/ need to ask your teacher if you require extra help.
19. I didn’t see him today. He can/ must have taken the day off.
20. You needn’t/ mustn’t eat in class.

E Fill in to, on, for, from, about
19. Kate comes … very wealthy family.
20. You shouldn’t be mean … other people.
21. She’s so kind. She always care … other children.
22. You always blame me … everything that I haven’t done.
23. Billy can’t concentrate … his homework because of his mobile phone.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i expect my friend to cope to see me after dinner. 2. i heard her play the piano at the party. 3. i would like you to read this story aloud. 4. let peter make the birthday cake himself. 5. we watched our footballers win that important match. 6. alex wants uncle jim to take alex out for dinner? 7. nobody noticed the thief to enter the house very quietly. 8. i would like them to spend the weekend at home. 9. no one expected the train to arrive five minutes early. 10. we made lisa recite her poem.

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