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Complete this article from the Financial Times with the expressions listed.
a) direct marketing х4 b) advertising х4 c) campaign d) discounting e) brands х3
f) branded х2

HEINZ, the food manufacturer that brought the British public such memorable advertising campaigns as Beanz Meanz Heinz, is planning to create a new slogan - Heinz Meanz……………. (1). Mr. Tony O’Reilly, the flamboyant chairman and chief executive of the Pittsburg-based international food group, is planning to end UK commercial television……………….. (2) for his products this year and instead concentrate on………………. (3). Mr. O’Reilly, whose career in marketing took off after he created the Kerrygold…………….. (4) for Irish butter in his early 20s, believes the era of mass marketing is giving way to more targeted selling techniques. The Heinz plan to give up television…………….. (5) would be one of the most radical marketing moves in recent years by a food manufacturer. It comes as manufacturers of ………………. (6) food products are facing growing competition from cheaper, own-label goods produced by supermarkets. The Heinz account is one of the longest established in television……………… (7). Heinz has already built up a database of 5.6 million homes in the UK that are heavy users of the company’s products. Mr. O’Reilly plans to send special discount vouchers directly to those homes, thereby bypassing conventional ………….. (8) media such as television and newspapers. The discount vouchers will be for individual Heinz products, such as baked beans, but also for groups of Heinz lines. Mr. O’Reilly has decided that …………….. (9) is the most cost effective way of maintaining loyalty to the ………………… (10). The Heinz chief executive sees the plan as the start of a ‘guerrilla’ campaign against the increasing power of the large supermarket groups, which, he believes, sometimes treat……………….(11) products cavalierly. Mr. O’Reilly wants to take control of………. (12) policy for his …………..(13) rather than leaving it to the discretion of supermarkets. He is concerned that Heinz products are often treated as mid-market products when they should be priced and displayed as premium …………….. (14). If Heinz goes ahead with its plan and proves that………………. (15) to its best customers works, it could be a blow to commercial television.

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