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Упражнение 1. Вставьте: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starving, thirsty, put on, home-made.

1. I’m always ___ after football practice so I often buy a snack on my way home.
2. Matt is really ___ of his friend Harry’s new mobile phone.
3. That cafe serves delicious ___ soup and bread rolls at lunchtime.
4. You should ___ fatty foods if you want to lose weight.
5. Ann doesn’t go to busy markets because she can’t stand being in ___ .
6. Sam has ___ a lot of weight since he started his new office job.
7. I ___ every time I see a spider I’m so afraid of them!
8. Did you bring any water? I’m so ___ !
9. A lot of fruit and vegetables are ___ in vitamin C.
10. John went bright red with ___ when he tripped over on the stage.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

8 IW. Find the clues for the definitions below and translate.

1. A person who makes cartoons … A cartoonist

2. Something that is very fast of its kind … speedy

3. A person who makes things for the first time … a novice

4. A person whose job is concerned with politics … a politican

5. Something that is used to take the temperature ... a thermometer

6. Something that is used as a painkiller ... an analgesic

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