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Вставьте артикль “the” вместо точек там, где это необходимо. Напишите перевод предложений.

1. … Kate was born in … Argentine in … city called … Buenos Aires.

2.They prefer to spend … their holidays near … Lake Baikal rather than go to … Black Sea.

3. … Earth is … third planet from … Sun.

4. … Sarah was thinking about going to … college after graduating from … school.

5. I had to turn to … right and then to … left to find … hotel I needed.

6. Its name was … Bowery Inn Hotel. … Lenina street is … most popular street name in … Russia.
7. She left a book in a class so she had to return to … institution to take it.

8. … Hermitage is the historical centre of … Saint-Petersburg.

9. You may always find some interesting books in … library.

10. In … January they plan a trip to … USA and … Canada.

Вставьте артикль a/an вместо точек, где это необходимо.

1. David has been dreaming about being … doctor since his childhood.

2. Please don't scream, I’ ve got … headache!

3. If you lend me … few coins, I would buy … newspaper.

4. He was late, I had to wait for him for half … hour.

5. She ate … ice cream and as … result she got … sore throat.

6. Would you like to go for … walk with me in the evening?

7. Don't leave … iron here, it's hot!

8. … orange is … my favourite fruit.

9. As … rule he sleeps 8 hours … day.

10. I wish you to have … good time in … Moscow.

Вспомните употребление артиклей с географическими названиями. Вставьте вместо пропусков нужный артикль.

1. … Iberian Peninsula is divided between 3 states: … Portugal, … Spain and … Andorra.

2. … Adriatic Sea separates … Italy from … Balkan Peninsula.

3. … Sahara desert and … Kalahari desert are the largest deserts in … Africa.

4. Ann had to cross … Atlantic Ocean to get from … Europe to … Argentine.

5. Many rare and unusual animals live in … Australia.

6. The northernmost point of … Russian Federation is … Cape Chelyuskin.

7. … Mont Blanc is the mountain in … Europe between … France and … Italy.

8. Nowadays some people prefer to spend winter in such hot countries as … Thailand.

9. … Great Lakes consist of several lakes connected with each other: … Lake Superior, … Lake Michigan, … Lake Ontario, … Lake Huron and … Lake Erie.

10. … Urals are very old mountains and are famous for their mineral resources.

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