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Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.
to arrive
· Our taxi … by 9 o’clock yesterday morning.
· Let’s go. The guests already … .
· They … by the time the meeting starts.
to be
· I am tired of waiting. Where you … ?
· By the time I’m 30 I … a famous scientist.
· HeHe didn’t remember where he … before the accident.
to paint
· We … the house by next Tuesday.
· She … more than 10 pictures already.
· I wondered if they … the room.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.
2. Sam … (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door.
3. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already … (stop).
4. I hope I … (finish) my test by midnight.
5. The film turned out to be much longer than we … (expect).
6. My sister just … (leave) for the bank.
7. The girls were good friends. They … (know) each other for 5 years.
8. Mother … (lay) the table before we come.
9. I never … (try) Japanese food.
10. Ted was so happy because his dream … (come) true.
11. We … (be) to Paris many times.

3. Выберите в скобках подходящее слово или словосочетание. Переведите предложения.
2. She will have finished her resume … (on Monday/by Monday/last Monday).
3. The aircraft hasn’t landed … (yet/just/already).
4. We have lived in New York … (since/from/for) three years.
5. … (After/Already/Ago) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table.
6. They will have decorated the Christmas tree … (by the time/before/by then).
7. My uncle has … (already/yet/ago) repaired his car.
8. I haven’t met them … (from/since/for) their wedding.
9. … (By the time/Already/Just) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working.
10. Have you … (just/ever/yet) been married, Kelly?
11. … (When/How much/How long) has he known

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. had arrived,have arrived, will  have arrived

  had was,have be,had was

  will have painted,have painted,had painted

2.has losed,had stopped,will have finished,had expected,have leaved,had knowed,has layed,has came,had was

3.on Monday,yet,for,After,by then,already,since,By the time,ever,When


It's saturday evening. mr wooding is sititing  in his armchair. he .is reading.. a newspaper. his wife..is watering.the plants in the room. she .isn't watching tv. their children are in the room too. what are. they .doing? the boy .is listening to music and ..eating an apple. the girl ..is.playing with a puzzle. there is a dog in the family. the dog sleeping.

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