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1. If I _____________________ (be) you, I would practice more often for the upcoming test.

2. If your mother _____________________ (get) ill, you will have to cook dinner.

3. If my father _____________________ (pick me up), I wouldn’t have come too late.

4. My aunt _____________________ (not/be) ill, if she had taken her medicine.

5. My friends _____________________ (find) the way if they had looked at the map.

6. I _____________________ (spend) a lot of money if I won the lottery.

7. What ____________________________ (you/do) if I gave you one million dollars?

8. If my car _____________________ (be) broken, my mechanic will repair it.

9. If I study today, I _____________________ (go) to the party tonight.

10. Susi will be late, if the train _____________________ (be) delayed.

11. If Laura had studied harder, she _____________________ (pass) her exams.

12. If I met Rihanna, I _____________________ (say) hallo.

13. Tom will miss his plane if he _____________________ (not/leave) soon.

14. Susan would have become a teacher if she _____________28________ (go) to university.

15. If I _____________________ (not/eat) too much, I wouldn’t have felt sick.

16. If you sit in the sun too long, you _____________________ (get) sunburned.

17. I would take the underground every day, if I _____________________ (live) in London.

18. If I hadn’t gone to bed too late, I _____________________ (not/be) tired.

19. I _____________________ (go) to New York if I hadn’t come to London.

20. If I _____________________ (have) enough money, I will buy a lot of shoes.

21. You would feel a lot better, if you _____________________ (not/smoke) so much.

22. My sister might have finished the exams if she _____________________ (have) more time.

23. We wouldn’t have got lost if the woman _____________________ (tell) us the wrong directions.

24. If I hadn’t eaten too much chocolate, I _____________________ (not/get) all the spots.

25. If we drink too much coffee tonight, we _____________________ (sleep).

26. If I _____________________ (be) you, I would follow your mum’s advice.

27. I would have given Susan her books, if I _____________________ (see) her.

28. I would run away if I _____________________ (see) a ghost.

29. If it _____________________ (rain), we will cancel the trip.

30. If I were you, I _____________________ (accept) the offer.

31. If you hadn’t ridden the horse, you _____________________ (not/fall) on the ground.

32. If you _____________________ (have to) choose a place to live, which one would you choose?

33. What would you do if you _____________________ (see) a robbery?

34. ________________________ (you/tell) the truth if your mother asks you something?

35. What will happen if you _____________________ (take) your father’s car.

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Ответы на вопрос:

”-“ Don’t worry! They . . . football all day long.

were playing


have played

have been playing

Choose the correct item:

Is there . . . flour left in the cupboard?





Choose the correct one:

I fell . . . Kate because she was rude to me.

out with


Choose the correct one:

Our grandma asked us to look after . . .





Choose the correct one:

Don’t worry about the broken Smartphone. It’s no use . . .

Eating your words.

Having a finger in every pie

Crying over spilt milk

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