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Существуют разные пословицы и поговорки на тему «Здоровье». Вот одна из них: «Health is above wealth (Здоровье выше богатства)». Как вы понимаете эту пословицу? Согласны ли вы с ней? Аргументируйте ваш ответ.

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Да я с ней согласен.Поговорка верная и говорит правду лучше быть здоровым ,чем богатым.

Interesting phrase "best day ever". never applied for themselves, not to say that i think and perceive every day like a best in life, but the worst days in my life don't remember. every day, the way it should be. each day reflects what we think and what we are. yet it seems to me that a man who identified some of the lived days in the best – buried myself alive. after all, he had already decided that the best he has in life will be gone and it's sad. i'll just tell one of the most memorable moments of the life-trip with my parents by car. it is exciting and at the same time dangerous, as we covered the distance of 5,000 kilometers. in this case, there is no guarantee that you safely get to your destination. but as behind the wheel during trips sits my father, i am calm, though he loves high-speed driving, the driving style is very confident, so i'm not scared, but rather eerily fun. but still there are moments when the adrenaline shoots to the head. for me there is nothing better than this. it's cool to sit in the back seat, to look around at the magnificent scenery, and in this case, wearing headphones, listening to same great music! then realize how much the world surrounding you can be beautiful, and the music enhances this effect many times over. at such moments, i feel happiness. thanks to my parents. but i still think that we should not waste time on thinking about how many days in my life was fun and what not. and depression is not far away. i love to live here and now. not my prerogative to think about the past, but that doesn't mean that i don't draw conclusions and learn from their mistakes. of course, in normal life you have to be able to enjoy the results in achieving the goals, to remember them and remind yourself about them, especially when it seems that the impasse is not. we should not live only for what is already achieved and continuing to move forward, take new ground, to always strive for something new, overcoming yourself. and no matter what difficulties would not stand in your way, know that in the end everything eventually overcome and then comes the feeling of happiness that you did.

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