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TW. Read the text and match the films to their descriptions.
There are 2 extra films.
A. Spiderman
B. The Mystery of a Tower
C. The Gypsy Girl
D. Home alone
The main character in this film Tutu lost her
parents at an early age and lived a life full of
hardships and trouble. She lives with Piri Baba in
Huseynbey's garden and becomes a close friend
with Khadija – the daughter of the bey. However,
Khadija's cruel mother Perijahan khanum does
not support this friendship and wants to prevent
it. So, she does not let them spend time together. Sadly, at the end of the mos
Tutu gets poisoned when she tries to save Khadija's life.

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Every man in his life, sooner or later, faces a choice. no matter how complicated it may seem, people have to choose. i chose the fashioner's profession, because i was interested in my not uniformity, prestige and originality. i want to learn how to taste with the right clothes, create unusual reviews and translate them into reality. i went to this profession to know more about fashion, what a fashion is. a fashion designer helps a person to reveal to himself or vice versa to hide his shortcomings. this profession is interesting and creative. s to create new clothing styles and to new fashion trends .i can make people beautiful and happiness happy .this is a very interesting profession

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