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Ответы на вопрос:

Today's society is very different than it was 40 years ago. back in the days people were more friendly and kinder to each other. people helped each other , it was a normal case when my grandfathers neighbor was out of bread and my grandfather was not home and the neighbor came in to get a piece of bread for lunch. and no one would sue him for that , it was a normal and usual situation . but today , today i don't think i would let my neighbor do that , i would probably have called police and sue him for robbing me, and that is true no mater is he my neighbor or relativ person. people were thankful for having a big family , and that was a norm to be in close contact with relatives . and what do we have today ? today we barely can meet all together for a reunion . so in my opinion we should value our relationships and frienships more than we do !

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