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(Past Simple Passive).

Wayne: Hi, Robert. How are you doing?
Robert: Fine, Wayne.
Wayne: Now, what can I do for you?
Robert: Well, I’d like to buy a personal CD player.
Wayne: Sure, well, this Komsai is very good. And it only costs a hundred and thirty-nine dollars.

Robert: Where was it made?

Wayne: It was made in Japan. Nearly all these CD players were made in Japan.
Robert: Are any of them made in the USA? – А какие-либо из них сделаны в США?
Wayne: Er… no. They used to be but now everything is imported from Japan. These computers are made in the USA but a lot of the components are made in Japan. They’re just assembled in the USA. If all the parts were made in the USA, the computers would be very expensive.

Robert: I see. Well, which CD player would you buy?

Wayne: If I were you, I’d buy this CD player, the PSV. It’s a good price, it’s very reliable and it makes a great sound. I’ve got one myself. Here, try it.

Robert: Wow! That’s fantastic! How much is it?
Wayne: It’s a hundred and fifty dollars including tax.
Robert: OK. I’ll take it.
Wayne: Great! I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

It was made in Japan.Are any of them made in the USA?If all the parts were made in the USA. Well,which player would you buy?You will be pleased with it.( последнее не точно, но скорее всего)


Пассивный залог это , когда предмет не совершал сам это действие, но оно связано с ним. К примеру: он был куплен. Мы понимаем кто или что было куплено:ОН  , но кто сделал действие с ним мы не знаем. Иногда бывают случаи : Он был куплен мной. Мной в Т.П. Из за этого мы используем Пассивный залог. It was bought by me.

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