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If I go to Paris, I ___________ (see) the Eiffel Tower.
If I had a million dollars, I __________ (help) poor people.
If he is busy at the moment, I _________ (call) him later.
If i finish my homework, I _________ (go) to the cinema.
The water _______ (freeze) when the temperature is below zero.
If he knew English, he ________ (find) a better job.
If Alice were here, she ________ (help) us.
If I had bought that dress yesterday, I ________ (spend) all money that I had.
If I were you, I _______ (tell) the truth to your parents.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I'll see

2. I'd help

3.I'll call

4.I'll go


6. he'd find

7.she'd help

8. I'd spend

9. I'd tell


I'd = I would

Изабретать - invent (invent)

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