Перепишите предложения, ставя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous
1. My friends (decorate) their house with balloons now;
2. Sarah (sleep) on the sofa now;
3. Harry (drink) tea or coffee now?
4. Harry (repair) a car now?
5. Carol (help) her mother to clean the window now;
6. We (not play) football at the stadium now;
7. What your father (paint) now?
8. They (pick) flowers in the garden now;
9. They (play) in the snow now?
10. I (not rake) leaves at the moment

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) knew

2) made

3) broke / got / stole

4) studied

5) wrote

6) didn't go

7) heard / came

8) started / fell / saw

9) swam


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