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с английским класс афанасьева,михеева стр 99 номер 4 а , С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ ПРАВИЛА НА ЭТОЙ ЖЕ СТРАНИЦЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 БАЛЛОВ!!!!!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The play will be staged in August by them.

2. The story was forgotten by me.

3. Has the rules been explained by anybody?

4. My skates weren`t brought back by her.

5. I will be introduced to his friends by John.

6. A tower that near the river is built by them.

7. The text wasn`t already transleted by me.

8. The sportsman was looked by us with surprise by us.

9. The film will be spoken by us at the lesson.

10. The pupil was sent by teacher.

Запишите в пассивном залоге: 1. They will stage this play in August. 2. I have forgotten the story.

Популярно: Английский язык