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1 Choose the most appropriate word
1 I don`t like stories_________have unhappy ending
a)-- b) they c) who d) that
2Where is the man to______I have just spoken
a)Which b) who c) whom d) that
3He is very lazy. He hardly ever does______work
a)some b) no c) any d) anything
4Jill and Sarah had an argument last week but they have made now
a)over b)out c) up d)off
5Mary,______is in my class, is afraid of heights
a)Which b) that c) who d)whom
6 James__________the ball and scored the goal
a)Scratched b) stung c)kicked d) missed
7The normal heart _______for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute
a)Speed b)row c)rate d) function
8Digestion is a bodily_________that slows down at night
a)Type b)function c)measure d) side
9You__________tell anyone your e-mail password
a)Don`t have to b)mustn`t c)couldn`t d)might
10Alain Robert wants to _________the awareness about the climate change
A0lift b)raise c)rise d)advance
_2 Fill in the gaps with the correct grammatical form of the words in brackets
1Well, who`s_______---for all this mess (response)
2She can be very_______when she wants something (persist)
3I think that`s a very ________idea (sense)
4Viruses can become ___________to antibiotics (resist)
5We don`t have anything __________for the party (suit)
6The painting of Monet is a ___________work of art (value)
7Mary is a very __________person.She seems to know everything
8She is very ___________,she never remembers names (forget)
9His abilities are quite ____________(impress)
10The blood _________showed he was innocent (analyse)
3 Translate into English
1Наша иммунная система защищает тело от заболеваний
2Она не может разобрать подчерк своего врача
3 Пожарные потушили пожар и несколько человек
4Очень тяжело мириться с его безобразным поведением
5Он часто страдает от головной боли и головокружений
6 У нее появилась сыпь на руке. Это видимо аллергия
7Он вздохнул с облегчением когда наконец достиг вершины горы
8В люди тоже могли покупать лекарства и различные снадобья
9Я смог вылечить свой расстроенный желудок выпив чай с имбирем
10Мы должны выключать свой мобильный телефон когда находимся на уроке

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Ответы на вопрос:

Children don't watch cartoons

Does she run fast

My mother cooks meals every day

Tom doesn't go to school

Do they like holidays?

Популярно: Английский язык