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1) My favourite dish is ... 2) My mum/I usually makes/make it (когда, в каких случаях готовят это блюдо)... 3) I like this dish because it tastes... ( описать вкус) 4) It is a traditional Russian (или не Russian, зависит от того, о каком блюде идёт речь). 5) To make it you need the following ingredients: ( перечислить ингредиенты, указывая чайные и столовые ложки, половинки и четвертинки, как в задании учебника о Apple Muffins) 6) Firstly, (начинаем пошагово описывать процесс приготовления блюда, используя глаголы boil, cut, bake, stir, mix, add, fry и ТД. 7) Time of preparation is... ( указать время приготовления), 8) In ...(указать через сколько минут) minutes the dish is ready to be served. 9) I like the... (назвать блюдо) very much. 10) Hope my recipe will be included in your cookery book. 11) Thanks for your attention.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Phrasal verb MAKE. Fill in the correct word UP, UP WITH, OUT.

13. I’ve just made up a story.

14. I can't make out the meaning of this poem.

15. He made up with his sister yesterday.

Complete the sentences using Present Perfect Continuous.

20. It … for two days. (has been raining)

21. John … for two hours now! (has been sleepng)

22. How long have you … the environment problems? (been studying)

23. She … to raise money for the zoo for months. (has been trying)

24. He … hard to build a nesting box, that’s why it has already broken. (has not been working)

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