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Use the correct form of the Conditionals in each sentence.A1. If we (not go) to their party next week, they would be very angry.2. They will be disappointed if you (not to call) them today.3. If I (be) off ered the job, I would take it.4. Many people would have been out of work if the factory (close) down.5. She will be terribly upset if we (reject) her invitation.6. I am sure she (understand) if you explained the situation to her.7. They are not expecting us. They (be) surprised when they see us?8. If he had sold the car, he (not get) much money for it.9. If they took the exam in two days they (not manage) to prepare for it properly.10. You won’t be able to fall asleep if you (go) to bed so early.11. If I (know) her number, I would have telephoned her.12. We (go) out if it weren’t raining.13. The soup (taste) better, if it had more salt in it.14. If I (be) you, I would not marry him.15. They (mind) living in England if the weather were bet-ter?16. If we had known she was ill, we (pay) her a visit.17. If I (go) to the party last night, I would have met Helen.18. If she hadn’t worn a seat-belt, she (be injured) in the crash.19. If Tom misses the train he (be) late for the interview.20. Would you have sent me a postcard if you (seize) the opportunity to go to Egypt?

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1is 2 are 3 is 4 is 5 are 6 is 7 is 8 am not 9am 10 am

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