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B) Andrew Kerr lost his driving licence last month. In court, the police read out all the things heb
Example: He reversed into a main road.
He shouldn't have reversed into a main road.
What else shouldn't he have done? Write your answers.
1. He forgot to indicate.
2. He drove too fast.
3. He went through a red light.
4. He had his arm round his girlfriend.5. He hit a lamp-post.
6. He had drunk six whiskies.
c) The headmaster of her son's school has just telephoned Mrs Raleigh to complain about her son's
Example: He didn't behave himself in class.
He ought to have paid attention in class.
He chewed gum during the music lesson.
He ought not to have chewed gum in the music lesson.
What other complaints did the headmaster make? Write your answers.
1. He wrote rude words on the blackboard.
2. He didn't do any homework last week.
3. He didn't learn French irregular verbs.
4. He threw a book at another boy.
5. He didn't bring a pen to school.
6. He rode his bicycle in the school garden.
7. He didn't wear his uniform to school.
8. He didn't come to see me yesterday.
9. He was late every day last week.
10. He brought a dog into the classroom.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Negatives 1. ann didn't clean her room yesterday. 2. tom didn't write a christmas card last week. questions 1. did ann clean her room yesterday? 2. did tom write a christmas card last week?

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