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Complete the text with the correct form of can, can't or be able to + verbs in brackets.

Scientists say that there are many ways we
(keep) our brains healthy, so that we
(have) a normal life
when we are older.
Learn a new activity
Think of something that you
(not do) but you would like to learn: another language perhaps, or a musical instrument. Learning something new exercises your brain, so that you
(deal) better with
new situations in the future.
Do some exercise
A healthy body means a healthy brain. Doctors say that regular exercise might
(stop) the brain getting ill with Alzheimer’s, for example. People who don’t go walking, running or swimming might have problems in later life because they
Have fun
Going out with friends and spending time with relatives
(make) you feel
more positive about life. As you grow older, you will do different things together, but if you have friends, you
(phone) someone for a
chat at any time of the day.
Listen to the silence
You don’t have to be active all of the time, and it is important to find a moment when you
(relax). Our brains need
time to rest, as well as our bodies, so that we don’t feel stressed. This also prepares us for the future,
when we
(not go out)
every day.

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1) most не надо остальные не знаю

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