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1) Вставьте подходящие по смыслу окончания прилагательных:
1. It's an interest........ film! 2. I'm very interest........ in animals. 3. She is very excit.... of your story. 4.
Your story was excit.........5. We had a bor....... lesson.
5. It's a bor.......... book, isn't it? 7. Don't be bor.... ... at the lessons! 8. She was surpriz........
2) Выберите верное слово.
1. It's so (frustrating frustrated)! I can't remember this text.
2. I'm feeling (depressed depressing).
3. My little daughter was (amusing amused) by the clown.
+ Olga's new idea was absolutely (fascinated /fascinating).
5. That film was very (depressing depressed)!
5. This lesson is so (boring bored)!
7 The little boy was (frightening frightened) when he saw a spider.
3) Поставьте в пропуски подходящие прилагательные из скобок. Переведите предложения.
The teacher asked a ... question and I got completely ... . (confusing – confused)
I was really ... with that ... idea. (interesting – interested)
The town was ... with that ... news. (horrifying - horrified)
The situation was ... and we were .... (depressing - depressed)
Bob was ... with those ... insects. (annoying - annoyed)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  i was born on june 25. 2. ann  went to the cinema yesterday. 3.  i played football with my friends two days ago.4. i did my homework. 5.    lena read this article yesterday.

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