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Task V. Open the brackets and use the verb in the right form:
1. Hello, I (to phone) about the conference.
2. What you (to say) is very interesting.
3. I (to go) to lunch in half an hour.
4. He (to cut) margins on some lines in order to win new customers.
5. She (to ask) for special prices.
6. Many wholesalers (to use) now computers to carry out accounting, billing, inventory control and forecasting.
7. We (to head) for a record year.
8. Profitability (to decline). You must reduce costs.
9. Your top salespeople (to leave). You need to offer them better salaries.
10. We (to talk) about routine purchases.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He (had been driving) a car for three hours when he (reached) the airport.

We (had already packed) all our bags when they ( phoned) us.

It (had been snowing) for hours and no plane was able to take off.

Our guide (had organized) our trip before we ( talked ) to him.

She (washed up) after her mother (had come ) home.

They (had been looking) forward to this holiday for many years before they (managed) to find it.

Mark had already ( been) to Africa twice before he ( got) married.

We (had booked) our flights weeks before we ( left).

The scientist (had been preparing) the article for two hours before midnight.

I (had cooked) breakfast by 5 o’clock.


1. Hello, I AM PHONING about the conference.

2. What you ARE SAYING is very interesting.

3. I AM GOING to lunch in half an hour.

4. He CUTS margins on some lines in order to win new customers.

5. She IS ASKING for special prices.

6. Many wholesalers USE now computers to carry out accounting, billing, inventory control and forecasting.

7. We ARE HEADING for a record year.

8. Profitability IS DECLINING. You must reduce costs.

9. Your top salespeople ARE GOING TO LEAVE. You need to offer them better salaries.

10. We ARE TALKING about routine purchases.

what is conflict? conflict is the meeting of two different opinions, in which none of the parties to the conflict will not accept the position of the other party. conflict can bring the joy of victory and defeat. the behavior of people in conflict situations is studying science conflict studies. from the point of view of science, there are 4 strategies of behavior in conflicts: adaptation, avoidance, cooperation and rivalry. i believe that the best strategy is to avoid conflict and reach a compromise, there will be tears, insults and bad mood.



что такое конфликт? конфликт- это встреча двух разных мнений, при которой ни одна из конфликтующих сторон не принимает позицию другой стороны. конфликт может принести и радость победы, и   поражения. поведение людей в конфликтных ситуациях изучает наука конфликтология. с точки зрения этой науки, есть 4 стратегии поведения в конфликтах: приспособление, избегание, сотрудничество, соперничество. я считаю что лучшая стратегия это избежать конфлик и найти компромисс, тогда не будет обид слез и плохого настроения.

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