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Упражнение 1. Прочитайте существительное и укажите суффикс при которого оно образовано.

ПРИМЕР. performance — The noun performance is formed with the help of the suffix -ance.

silence, biologist, employment, humanity, modesty, settlement, feeling

Упражнение 2. Образуйте от основ выделенных слов существительные с указанными суффиксами и напишите их.

— ment:

1.The child was greatly excited when he received a big bear as a birthday present.

The child’s ____________was very great.

2. My English has improved very little for the last two months.

There is very little ___________ in my English, I am afraid.

3. The children enjoyed entertaining the guests.

They enjoyed giving an _____________ for their guests.

— tion

4. He collected a good library of books.

He had a good __________ of books.

5. The machines exhibited in the hall were very interesting to us.

The machines at the ___________ are very interesting.

6. He said he wanted to continue studying after he graduated from the institute.

He said he wanted to continue studying after….

— ance

7. The scientists had difficulty explaining how the star had disappeared.

They had difficulty in explaining the____________.of the star.

— ence

8. We were surprised to find out how different her speech had become.

We were surprised at the ________________in her speech.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в пробелы глаголы, образованные от данных в скобках существительных.

1. He said good bye and ____________ (departure)

2. Your pronunciation has _____________ wonderfully. (improvement)

3. The doctor ______________the boy’s arm carefully. (examination)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте в пробелы существительные, образованные от данных в скобках глаголов.

1. This rare book is the first _____________ of Pushkin’s poems. (to edit)

2. The sixth-form pupils’ English ___________was much better this year. (to perform)

3. The dancer’s__________became slower and slower (to move).

Упражнение 5. Образуйте существительные от прилагательных.

1. thirsty

2. hot

3. hungry

4. shady

5. high

6. weak

Упражнение 6. Сделай правильный выбор. Переведи предложение.

1. What is the (long, length) of the corridor?

2. How (long, length) is the street?

3. He is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with John?

4. My brother can lift the box because of his (strong, strength).

5. Nelly’s skirt is too (wide, width).

6. We can’t get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width).

7. Is spring a (warmth, warm) season?

8. We felt the (warm, warmth) of the sun on out faces and hands.

9. We were surprised at your formal (polite, politeness).

10. We were not struck by the (white, whiteness) of the snow.​

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4,4(38 оценок)

i am going to go to village and you? i will sit at home and to learn lessons! and i to !

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