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When I 1---------------- my job two years ago I 2---------------- love it. The truth is that I have a very high salary and the office is very close to home, but the problem is that since the day I started I 3------------- very few free weekends and I always work until very late in the evening. I often have to cancel plans with friends 4------------------------- work or I miss family celebrations, and I'm usually very tired and stressed. I'm not sure I can keep 5----------------- this. I don't sleep enough, and I don't eat 6---------------- , because I don't have 7-------------- to cook.
Apart from that, sport has always been very important in my life. I like being fit, and 8 ------------------ sport is the way I have to feel well and reduce stress. 9------------ , nowadays I don't have 10------------------ time to exercise. With all these bad habits, I feel that I am putting my health at risk.
I really need some advice. What would you do if you 11------------------ me? My salary is very high, and I can walk to work, but I feel horrible; I don't have a social life and I don't have a healthy life. Two years ago, before taking this job, I was much 12---------------------------- and very happy. Now I am 28 and I have a lot of money in my bank account, but nothing else. The problem is that the jobs that 13---------------- in the area where I live don't pay much, and I'm afraid of making a decision 14--------------- I might regret. So, what do you think? 15----------------- I quit my job?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) она полна энергии 2) ребенок задает нам много вопросов. 3) мы всегда проветривать наш класс в это время. 4) мы слушать радио в 8: 00. 5) он рассказывает нам о своей работе и учебе. 6) я прочитал страницу или полстраницы какой-то книги каждый день. 7) она идет туда через день,

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